lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2013

The Catalan soccer festival ends with a Catalonia 4 - Cape Verde 1!

Around 20,700 fans have not missed the appointment with the Catalan football and have seen the victory of Catalonia versus Cape Verde by 4-1 at the Olympic Stadium in Barcelona. Sergio Garcia (2 goals), Bojan Krkic, and Oriol Riera have reversed the initial goal of the Africans in the match that served as the debut for Gerard Lopez, new Catalan coach.
Coach Gerard Lopez has premiered on the Catalan bench drawing with a risky tactical 3-4-3 . Players of Cape Verde started hard and went ahead thanks to a goal in the 10th minute by Djaniny. But the Catalans have quickly reversed the scoring with three goals in just three minutes. Goals from Sergio Garcia (captain today and 2 goals) and Bojan Krkic have signed a comeback . The RCD Espanyol player has now become the highest scorer with 7 goals in the Catalan National team .
It should be noted that only Marc Valiente, who made ​​his debut with Catalonia, has stayed on the pitch after the break. Another debutant, Oriol Riera, has demonstrated his instinct scoring the 4-1. Uri Rosell, champion of MLS in the United States, has played the last 25 minutes. The Puig-Reig player dragged physical discomfort, but did not want to miss the match. Like Aleix Vidal and Jordi Xumetra who the day of the party weretraining with their clubs and did not want to miss the party of the Catalan football .

Image of the game taken from:

jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013

Copa Nadal 2013

This past December 25 took place on the coast of Barcelona the dean of the open water competitions.
In this edition, the 285 swimmers stand the familiarity of the trial, the tradition of the test, the cool water and the good atmosphere. This race has become a public celebration rather than a swimming competition.
In this edition the fastest 200 meter swimmer was Dani Serra, 45 years old, who won for the tenth time the Christmas Cup (third consecutive) with a time of 2 minutes and 9 seconds. Aida Bertran, female category, of 17 years, has been the winner in this category.

sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

Discover Barcelona by bike

One objective of this blog is to promote the sport in Barcelona, ​​in addition to reporting sports news in the city. That's why we want to inform the journal Time Out published a story about what to do in Barcelona, ​​presenting 10 different routes around the city difficult to cycle. These routes serve 10 to combine cycling and leisure, outdoors and in touch with nature. The routes can be made irrespective of being in shape or not, as there are different difficulties. Easy as Park Besos or dificl such as Tibidabo.
You can visit the magazine and read about the 10 cycle routes, here

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

ASOBAL Cup in Barcelona

As agreed Handball Association of Spanish Club, FC Barcelona City Council of Barcelona, ​​next weekend will be held at the Palau Blaugrana ASOBAL Cup XXIV.
So the 4 winners ASOBAL League plays 21 semifinals and the final 22 winners from the previous round. The four teams are ranked F.C. Barcelona Naturhouse La Rioja, Huesca and the Fraikin Granollers.
The emparallaments have been defined so that the club will play the semifinal against Huesca while Naturhouse Rioja and Fraikin Granollers also fight for a place in the final. So there is the possibility that on December 22 at 20:00 pm there is confrontation between Catalans. The club title defense and is favorite to take the win and retain it.

Source of information: 


lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

"La Cursa dels Nassos" 2013 is comming!

It is Christmas and the holidays arrive that means that... arrives "la Cursa dels Nassos"! Popularly known throughout Spain as "Saint Sylvester" some years in Barcelona he adopts this peculiar name, in honor of the man's nose. It's a special race because goodbye to the year with a good dose of exercise is one of the best experiences I can make it, and I've run is different from the others, so say more than 10,000 participants that for more than a decade, they go out for a total of 10 kilometers.
The organization recommends that those who want to run fast get involved (here) as places are limited and registration is fast paced. The inscrpció costs € 14 and everyone can run only on one condition, was aged 16. Yes you fulfill them, do not hesitate and enjoy the last evening of the year as it deserves, playing sports!
If you have any doubt whether it runs or not, here's a summary of the 2012 edition: 

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

90a Jean Bouin

Record participation in the 90 edition of the race Jean Bouin , which took place on Sunday , November 24 . A total of 17,000 runners participated in the legendary race for Barcelona 's Montjuic Park precinct . In the international race , the Uganda Soyekwo Kibet has taken victory in the men's and Rebecca Cheptegei also Uganda and female .
Most riders , however, participated in the arrangements OPEN . The 10km , starting and ending at Avenida Maria Cristina, has ended with the victory of David and Sandra Martinez Asin . Regarding the test 5km , who also left Maria Cristina has completed but the Arc de Triomphe historical meta - Jean - Bouin five decades , the winners were Jose Luis Blanco and Melillo Elisa .
The beginnings of this popular race dates back to 1920 , when it was established by a group of journalists and developers athletics fans . The race is named after the Olympic athlete and French journalist Alexandre François Etienne Jean Bouin .

Source of information and image:

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Presentation of SuperPrestigi Dirt Track!

The Palau Sant Jordi will host on January 11, the "SuperPrestigi Dirt Track", a specialty motorcycle on the ground that will participate in the three other world champions motorcycling Maverick Viñales (3 bike), Pol Espargaró (Moto 2), Marc Márquez (MotoGP). Also, have already confirmed their participation other global elite riders Andrea Dovizioso, Alex Rins, Alvaro Bautista... expected in the coming days and confirmation of about 25 riders.
The exhibition has been presented to the City Council by itself Màrquz the mayor Xavier Trias. This show aims to be the icing on the cake of a historic season for the treble achieved.
With the words of Cervera rider (Marc Márquez) can be interpreted as that was not to compete but to have fun and enjoy the engine as he said: "more than a competition intended to be a celebration. I'm Already looking shirts to throw them to the fans, as in January and people are very boring without competition will also be a way to get hot engines for next season".

Source of information and image:

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

XIXà edició de la Pedalada Barcelona-Sitges

Under the slogan "Sharing is safer with respect," on Sunday 1 November will be the nineteenth edition of the Barcelona-Sitges cadence to claim road safety of cyclists on the road.
This year there are several new features. With the help of traffic authorities, has dissenyaut a new safer route and that surely appeal to all cyclists. This is why changing the traditional exit from the Camp Nou to the new exit door Plaza Centre, next to the new Bauhuas Free Zone. The new route is 38km from the coast of Garraf. In this edition there are over 2500 registered and expected a successful participation and organization.
The scheduled time of departure is 10:00 am. Prior to 9:50, we read the manifesto in defense of traditional cyclist on the road.
If you just felt like you have to rethink and or to participate... Although insciure Everyday!( 8 November)

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Campanya de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona: #esportabarcelona

#EsportABarcelona és una campanya iniciada durant el mes d'octubre per part de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. 
L'objectiu de la campanya és ajudar a difondre, entre la població adulta de Barcelona en general, l'àmplia oferta existent a la ciutat per a la pràctica esportiva, a través dels diferents centres esportius existents. Al mateix temps, la fita és incidir en la comuniciació en favor de l'activitat física de qualitat com a valor important en la salut i el benestar de la gent.

Presència a web i xarxes socials
La campanya també compta amb una web ( amb informació d'utilitat per al ciutadà que busca un equipament esportiu. Des d'aquest portal, els visitants podran buscar el gimnàs més proper de casa seva. L'Ajuntament també a posat en marxa una acció a través d'Instagram per animar als ciutadans a fer-se fotografies mentre fan esport en un dels equipaments esportius i penjar-la a la xarxa amb l'etiqueta #esportabarcelona.

Informació de:

Imatge de:

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Gran èxit de la sisena edició de la Triatló de Barcelona!

El triatleta mallorquí Mario Mola, tercer classificat a les sèries mundials, amb 1h46:59 i la britànica Jodie Stimpson, subcampiona del món, amb 1h54:29 s'han imposat a la categoria Elite de la sisena edició de la Garmin Triatló de Barcelona. La prova s'ha disputat a la capital catalana amb la participació de 5.500 triatletes de trenta països.

El mallorquí Mario Mola, de 23 anys, ha aconseguit la victòria després de realitzar un gran esforç a la carrera de 10 quilòmetres, superant Fabián i Godoy, segon i tercer respectivament.

En dones, la gironina Carolina Routier, s'ha imposat a la prova de natació femenina amb un registre extraordinari, superant en més d'un minut la subcampiona mundial, la britànica Jodie Stimpson. Quan semblava que a la corredora de Banyoles no se li escaparia la victòria, Stimpson ha realitzat una gran carrera en els últims 10 quilòmetres i l'ha vençut amb una marca de 34:17, proclamant-se així campiona de la categoria femenina.



viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Ja arriba el Correbarri 2013!

El Correbarri és una prova esportiva que pretén fomentar nous reptes en l'atletisme popular, un moviment esportiu que continua creixent dia a dia.
El Correbarri vol implicar a tots els districtes/barris de Barcelona en una festa de l'esport popular. Aquest any, la data escollida per celebrar la segona edició d'aquesta cursa ha estat el 13 d'octubre...i ja s'apropa!

Encara que no es visqui a Barcelona ciutat, es pot córrer pel districte barceloní que es vulgui. Sentir-se orgullós del barri on es viu, presumir del patrimoni cultural, històric o esportiu, identificar-se amb una manera de ser, o simplement, sentir simpatia per algun element d'aquella zona, són algunes de les raons per córrer per un districte o un altre.

I per més informació visita el lloc web oficial d'aquesta cursa promoguda per l'Ajuntament de Barcelona:

Encara t'hi pots inscriure i defensar el teu barri, pots inscriure-t'hi aquí:

Fotografies: i 

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Èxit de la Cursa de la Mercè 2013

La Cursa de la Mercè ha donat un any més el tret de sortida a les celebracions de la Festa Major de Barcelona i ha batut un nou rècord de participació, amb més de 17.000 corredors. El recorregut de 10 quilòmetres ha sortit de l'avinguda Reina Maria Cristina per recórrer el Paral·lel, Calàbria, la Gran Via, el passeig de Sant Joan, el Parce de la Ciutadella, i altres carrers importants de la ciutat per acabar retornant a Maria Cristina. Malgrat que el sol no hagi aparegut gaire i fins i tot hagi caigut una fina pluja, els atletes han pogut disfrutar de la cursa barcelonina. Aquesta 35a edició de la prova ha estat guanyada  per l'atleta olímpic Carles Castillejo en categoria masculina i per Hasna Bahom en categoria femenina. 

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

La #ViaCatalana, al Camp Nou

La Via Catalana que ha tingut presència a 400km de la geografía de Catalunya també ha tingut com escenari el Camp Nou, que ha acollit unes 4.000 persones rodejant-lo en aquesta jornada del 11 de setembre, en la que es celebra la Diada de Catalunya. 
Esportistes i membres de prop de quaranta federacions catalanes i associacions esportives han reivindicat a l'estadi la independència de Catalunya. A l'interior de l'estadi, que s'ha tancat al públic en general, els presents han reclamat també l'oficialitat de les seleccions catalanes.

Font i més informació:
Web del diari "La Vanguardia"

Cursa de la Mercè 2013


La Cursa de la Mercè, que se celebra a Barcelona amb motiu de la festa major de la ciutat des de l'any 1978, és un dels esdeveniments esportius populars més emblemàtics de Barcelona. La Cursa recorre 10 Km pels carrers de la ciutat, amb sortida i arribada de la Plaça Maria Cristina (foto).

Aquest any serà el proper 15 de setembre, i les inscripcions ja són obertes. La data límit per inscriure's és el  7 de setembre a les 24.00 hores (o en arribar als 17.000 inscrits, la xifra màxima de participants).

El preu de les inscripcions és de 5 € i es destina a finalitats solidaries. A més de la cursa regular, hi ha categories de cadira de rodes, paràlisi cerebral, discapacitat visual i discapacitat intel·lectual, totes elles de 10 Km.

La inscripció es pot fer 
- per internet a
- presencialment a l'oficina de la cursa a l'Estadi Joan Serrahima (Agrupació Atlètica Catalunya), carrer del Polvorí 5-7, de dilluns a divendres de 16.00 a 20.00 hores

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

"Premium" stay

This room aims to give an overview and specific aspects of the sport in the city to a high price that lets you exercise at major sites ! (from 1150 € per week , B & actvitats ) .

Day 1: Arrival and welcome in Barcelona Hotel "NH Constanza". Install to the rooms and relaxing afternoon on the water area of the club DIR (Facilities Pools and Sports). Dinner at the hotel and evening stroll through the neighborhood.

Day 2: In the morning we will go to the Olympic and Sports Museum Joan Antoni Samaranch to make a visit. Stroll to the Olympic Stadium, which hosted the games area of Barcelona'92.

Day 3: In the morning take a bus that will take us to La Roca Village where you can enjoy a wonderful day of shopping right to acquire high-quality products at amazing prices!

Day 4: In the morning we will go to the Centre Municipal de Vela (CMV) that offers sailing sessions. Then in the afternoon we will go to the facilities of FC Barcelona Camp Nou experience to perform.

Day 5: From 11h to 17h will be a bike tour by Bike Tours Barcelona where we will visit a more sporting the iconic buildings of the Catalan capital. In the evening take the tourist bus to enjoy the night lighting of the buildings of the city.

Day 6: We will go to spend the day in Montmeló, Catalonia's circuit, where you can drive on the track that hosts world competitions for children and there will be a karting suits your condition.

Day 7: Finally, we head to Barcelona to enjoy the Urban Forest circuits ropes and zip lines that will enjoy adventure sports frantically. Later in the afternoon we head to the hotel room to gather and perform farewell.

Hotel NH Constanza

NH Constanza is located in the district of Les Corts, well connected to the rest of the city center and the business district of Barcelona. It has direct access to the shopping center "L'Illa" You can enjoy bed and breakfast from 161 EUR / night.

DiR Diagonal
A magnificent private gym, chain ie, multiple machines of last generation, guided activities, and water area to be able to relax and switch off from the stress of everyday life. You can get a free ticket for a day following the instructions in the link.

Museu Olímpic i de l'esport Joan Anotni Samaranch

The museum is managed by the Barcelona Olympic Foundation is a window to the world sports. A travel long distance to get to know the sport, which is the realization of a universal language without borders. Sport as a tool for social integration will not forget a trip. You can enjoy this museum from € 5.10 / € 3.20 adult / student.

Anella Olímpica

Barcelona had a magical summer never forget. With the Olympic Games of 1992 the city became the capital for a few days in the world, few days will remain forever in the collective memory. The Montjuic Olympic Stadium was the center of the party. And now, you can enjoy the areas and enjoy walking to the ring as it was Olympics Enjoy! 

La Roca Village

Bicester Village is a type of outlet malls greatest in southern Europe where you can buy many kinds of top brands at prices exquisite! The rock also sports brands you can find products at special prices! This magnificent center is only 40 minutes from Barcelona and is easily accessible.

Centre Municipal de Vela

CMV can enjoy various water activities such as sailing, canoeing, kayaking and other leading specialists with the relevant qualifications. You can enjoy some activity from 32 € / adult.

Camp Nou Experience

Discover the history of F.C.Barcelona. In the area of multimedia will enjoy historic moments in videos. Also you will experience the indescribable feeling to leave the field by the tunnel. Finally, the tour ends at the club shop. All this at a price 23 € / person.

Tour en bicicleta

"Bike Tours Barcelona" Barcelona is the first company dedicated to organizing bike tours for individuals and groups. One way to discover the best places, guided by specialized instructors and multilingual tours that make it a unique and unforgettable experience.

Bus Turístic nocturn

Hop on Barcelona Tourist Bus and enjoy a unique evening stroll will reveal the light and color of the most emblematic buildings of the city. Also you can experience the show in light of the Magic Fountain!

Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya

Throughout the year the Circuit de Barcelona Catalonia offers the opportunity to be featured in the track. You get to make a few laps in a circuit where Piot compete better in the world of Formula 1, Moto GP ... Get ready to experience the emotion engine in person from 50 €!

Barcelona Bosc Urbà

Located in the Plaza Forum, the Urban Forest in Barcelona is a new space adventure. You no longer need to move to natural forests, you can enjoy zip lines, nets, ropes, bridges, bungee jumping, logs... and all this (and more, up to 50 rides) to a height of up to 6 meters! You can enjoy these activities from 19 € / person.

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

Barcelona corre (app per a smartphones)

Barcelona Corre és l'adaptació a app del llibre amb el mateix títol dels periodistes Pere Bosch i Núria Vilanova editat per l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. El llibre té 23 rutes pels diferents barris i zones emblemàtiques de la ciutat. A l'app o versió per a mòbils, hi ha l'explicació del recorregut i del que trobarem durant l'exercici, un mapa interactiu i la possibilitat de cronometrar i seguir l'entrenament mitjançant el GPS del mòbil.

L’app és gratuïta i es pot descarregar:
· per a iPhone a l’AppleStore:

· per a Android a GooglePlay:

Font i més informació:
Imatge: Web de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, Districte de Nou Barris 

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

"Standard" stays

These visits are intended to give an overview of the sporting aspect of the city at an average price and mostly accessible to everyone (from € 630 per week , accommodation and activities ) .

Day 1: Arrival and welcome in Barcelona Hotel "NH Les Corts". Install to the rooms and relaxing afternoon on the water area of the club Holmes Place Cortes (Europolis). Dinner at the hotel and walk around the neighborhood .

Day 2: Departure from the hotel at 10am to the Olympic Museum. (until 12pm). Lunch time up to 15h that will perform at the Camp Nou to do the Camp Nou experience. After this visit you will enjoy free time for shopping around town for the day.

Day 3: Depart accommodation at 10h to go to the Municipal Sailing Centre to carry out various water activities. In the afternoon we will meet at 17h to enjoy the views offered by the Aerial Port at the sunset.

Day 4: In the morning we go to the park where the Forum has installed the urban forest can enjoy adventure sports. Later in the afternoon we will enjoy an afternoon of beach volleyball on the beach in Barcelona.

Day 5: This day there will be the possibility to spend the day enjoying the municipal gym facilities or to make a completely free day for the city. At night, at 21:30 pm, we will take the Barcelona Tourist Bus to enjoy the night lighting of the iconic buildings of the city.

Day 6: Bike Tour of Barcelona by the most important responsibility of a specialized company. The tour is from 9h to 17h. From that time and until 22 pm you will take time to personal hygiene, meal... At 22h we will go to see the magic sources from Montjuïc.

Day 7: Transfer of rooms and goodbye to everyone.

Hotel NH Les Corts

NH Les Corts is located in the district of Les Corts, it is well connected to the rest of the city by public transport. There Mall "L'Illa" about 200 meters. You can enjoy bed and breakfast from 81 Euros / night.

Holmes Place Les Corts
A magnificent municipal gym with various machines to work the body and water area to be able to relax and switch off from the stress of everyday life. You can enjoy these good facilities from 12 € / person. (water area only 6.50 € / person)

Museu Olímpic i de l'esport Joan Antoni Samaranch
The museum is managed by the Barcelona Olympic Foundation is a window to the world sports. A travel long distance to get to know the sport, which is the realization of a universal language without borders. Sport as a tool for social integration will not forget a trip. You can enjoy this museum from € 5.10 / € 3.20 adult / student.


Camp Nou Experience
Here you can discover the history of FC Barcelona. In the area of multimedia will enjoy historic moments in videos. Also you will experience the indescribable feeling to leave the field by the tunnel. Finally, the tour ends at the club shop. All this at a price 23 € / person.

Centre Municipal de Vela
CMV can enjoy various water activities such as sailing, canoeing, kayaking and other leading specialists with the relevant qualifications. You can enjoy some activity from 32 € / adult.

Telefèric del Port
With the cable in the Port of Barcelona will realize that a journey from the Old Port to Montjuic and enjoy with the spectacular views of the city. You can get on the cable car from paying 11€ / person.

Barcelona Bosc Urbà
Located in the Plaza Forum, the Urban Forest in Barcelona is a new space adventure. You no longer need to move to natural forests, you can enjoy zip lines, nets, ropes, bridges, bungee jumping, logs .. and all this (and more, up to 50 rides) to a height of up to 6 meters! You can enjoy these activities from 19 € / person.
On the beach of Mar Bella and Nova Icaria beach volleyball courts find that we can enjoy a good fun time. This activity is free.
Barcelona Tourist Bus Hop on and enjoy a unique evening stroll will reveal the light and color of the most emblematic buildings of the city. Also you can experience the show in light of the Magic Fountain!

"Bike Tours Barcelona" Barcelona is the first company dedicated to organizing bike tours for individuals and groups. One way to discover the best places, guided by specialized instructors and multilingual tours that make it a unique and unforgettable experience.

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Campionats del món de natació

Durant dues setmanes s'aplegaran a Barcelona milers de persones de diversos països i cultures. Barcelona i la natació tindran una oportunitat única: tornar a sorprendre el món amb totes les possibilitats d'aquesta ciutat i aquest esport. 

Dates: del 19 de juliol al 4 d'agost del 2013

Web oficial dels campionats del món: 

"Low cost" stay

These visits are intended to give an overview of the sporting aspect of the city at an affordable price for every budget (from € 230 per week, accommodation and activities).

Day 1: Arrival in Barcelona welcome in the hostel "Pere Tarrés". Install to the rooms and relaxing afternoon on the water area of the club Holmes Place Les Corts (Europolis). Dinner at the hostel and walk around the neighborhood.

Day 2: Departure from the hostel to the Olympic Stadium where you can visit a small exhibition at the Olympic Stadium (free) and enjoy the area by different areas in which to lunch and be comfortable section of the city. Who would wish you can visit the Olympic Museum. In the afternoon there will be nothing that can be programmed by the city to shop or go to the greenery of the mountain of Montjuic.

Day 3: In the morning enjoy a session running on the Diagonal. Later in the afternoon we go to the facilities of FC Barcelona 's Camp Nou Experience to enjoy.

Day 4: From 11h to 17h there will be a bike tour. Being an activity morning and evening, at the end of the tour you will enjoy free time.

Day 5: In the morning there will be an activity adventure sports in the Urban Forest, located in the Forum Park. Then enjoy free time until night, where at 22h, we gather to enjoy the night lighting of the Montjuic fountains.

Day 6: Excursion to Olympic Channel to enjoy the water area where tests were conducted at the Olympic Games. You can rent a canoe, kayak or other boat and navigate the channel.

Day 7: Transfer of the rooms in the hostel and farewell.

Hostel Pere Tarrés
Hostel Pere Tarrés is located in the Les Corts district of the field 10 minutes, well connected to the rest of the city by public transport. Can bed and breakfast from 23 Euros/night depending on room type and time of year.

A magnificent municipal gym with various machines to work the body and water area to be able to relax and switch off from the stress of everyday life. You can enjoy these good facilities from 12 € / person. (water area only 6.50 € / person).

Olympic ring                          

Barcelona had a magical summer never forget. With the Olympic Games of 1992 the city became the capital for a few days in the world, few days will remain forever in the collective memory. The Montjuic Olympic Stadium was the center of the party. And now, you can enjoy the areas and enjoy walking to the ring as it was Olympics Enjoy!

Running Diagonal
Diagonal is a great avenue that has bike lanes and wide areas to run in a good atmosphere. It has signs that say indicate the distances.
Here you can discover the history of FC Barcelona. In the area of multimedia will enjoy historic moments in videos. Also you will experience the indescribable feeling to leave the field by the tunnel. Finally, the tour ends at the club shop. All this at a price 23 €/person.

Bike tour

"Bike Tours Barcelona" is the first company dedicated to organizing bike tours for individuals and groups in Barcelona. One way to discover the best places, guided by specialized instructors and multilingual tours that make it a unique and unforgettable experience.

Barcelona Bosc Urbà

Located in the Plaza Forum, the Urban Forest in Barcelona is a new space adventure. You no longer need to move to natural forests, you can enjoy zip lines, nets, ropes, bridges, bungee jumping, logs .. and all this (and more, up to 50 rides) to a height of up to 6 meters! You can enjoy these activities from 19 € / person.

The Magic Fountain of Montjuïc 

The Magic Fountain of Montjuic is a typical source of the city in which Barcelonina are held during festivals and celebrations of Mercy, concerts ... And every night you can enjoy the spectacle and the light of these sources for free.

Canal Olympic 

Enjoy the Canal Olympic aquatic sports a great price! Visit the Channel where disputed evidence at Barcelona '92 and sports such as canoeing in a very relaxing!